; anekdotes.lv
Memes 4 weeks ago

Olimpiskā sajūta. Piekrīti?

Memes 2 months ago

Daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā

Memes 3 months ago

Kādu redz vasaru tie kam patīk ziema

Anekdotes 5 months ago

I'm Trying to Remember The Name of A Song

It's about a girl with amnesia talking to her Grandmother.
The lyrics are "Oh, Nana, What's My Name?"
Anekdotes 5 months ago

What’s long and hard and full of semen?

A Submarine.

Anekdotes 5 months ago

A man is shopping for cattle in 1886...

He finally settles on a perfect Black Angus bull. He says to the owner "Here's the money. I need to send a message to my wife to come pick up the bull. She already knows where I am but I need her to come pick him up now before it gets dark. Where can a fella send a telegram?" The owner tells him that he has a machine but it is $100 a word. "That's outrageous! I only have $100." The owner says to him "Better make it good then." The man thinks for a few minutes and plops down the cash. "Send her this word: Comfortable." The owner of the bull looks confused and asks "How will that tell her anything?" To which the man replies "Well my wife can barely read, so she'll just read it reeeeeeal slow."
Anekdotes 5 months ago

A milestone

Is one mile closer to the stone.
Anekdotes 5 months ago

Recipe idea: rosemary and thyme lamb, without the thyme.

I give you, "The Lamb That Thyme Forgot"
Anekdotes 5 months ago

i had trouble swallowing a viagra last night

my neck was stiff for 4 hours
Anekdotes 3 months ago

Vīrs laimīgs

Sieva ar rūgtumu pārmet vīram:
– Jau atkal esi piesūcies kā ods!
Es vakar biju tik laimīga,
kad biji skaidrā!
– Bet šodien mana kārta būt laimīgam!
Anekdotes 4 months ago

#1 Uconn women's team going for historic 100th consecutive team in a sold out stadium against #6 South Carolina

Anekdotes 5 months ago

I feel so bad for the necrophiliac's sister

She died a virgin but she sure wasn't buried one