Customers who wish to purchase an item must use code-phrases to avoid the authorities' suspicion.
One night a blind man stops by the stand.
"What would you like to purchase today?" asks the cashier.
"Oh, nothing" the blind man says, "I was just *looking* around!"
An few hours later, a deaf man approaches the stand. The cashier realizes he can't hear him, and uses sign-language to ask what he'd like to purchase.
"Well, I *heard* you guys are having a sale!" the deaf man states with a wink and a nudge.
Finally, just before that night's closing time, a muscular man with no apparent disability walks up to the stand. The cashier asks what he'd like to purchase.
"I don't know ... I heard you guys sold *cherries*!" the man states with a look of subtle expectation.
The cashier, despite going through his mental checklist of code-phrases, has no idea what he wants.
"I'm sorry, we've sold-out on that item." the cashier says with a puzzled stare.
"Ah *motherfucking* christ!" the man screams in pseudo-frustration. However, the cashier just stands there with an agitated face.
The customer, realizing his attempts aren't getting through to the employee, tries a different approach.
"Well, that's a darn shame!" he continues.
"And I travelled across the entire *count-*"
The man coughs.
"-ry to get here!"